lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Mini list: garland tutorials

Hi everyone~!
My little son will turn 7 at the end of the month, so I've been looking around for ways to decorate the house for the party. 
Here is a mini list of beautiful garlands you can do by yourself! I think it's a super simple and cute way to decorate a room for a party, or to give that extra thing to your home! (click on the image to go to the tutorial):

Hola a todos~!
Mi hijo menor va a cumplir 7 años a fin de mes, asi que estuve buscando ideas para decorar la casa para la fiesta.
Aqui tienen una mini lista de guirnaldas que pueden hacer ustedes! Creo que es una manera super simple y bonita de decorar una habitacion para una fiesta, o para dar ese pequeño detalle extra a tu hogar! (hagan click en la imagen para ir al tutorial):

by Fiona from Hop Skip Jump (via

Japanese washi tape mini-bunting tutorial by TheRedThread

Scalloped fabric garland tutorial by SewMamaSew

Paper PomPom garland by Laurie Cinotto (via HamblyScreenPrints)

I was looking for a special kind of garland my mother used to make for me and my brother when we were kids. I haven't seen these in AGES, and it took me some time to find the exact thing I was looking for, but in the end I made it!
Maybe Miki will know them haha! (Sorry it's in spanish only, but I couldn't find a tutorial in english. If you recognize these and know some tutorial, please share! )

Estuve buscando un tipo de guirnalda especial que mi mamá hacia para mi y mi hermano cuando eramos chicos. No he visto una de estas en AÑOS, y me costo un poco encontrar exactamente lo que estaba buscando, pero al final lo logre! 
Quizas Miki las recuerde xD No se, creo que estas cosas ya ni se usan :(

Plied Paper Garland (via ManualidadesFaciles)

And this is it by now. Sorry if you haven't seen me in weeks, I just wasn't feeling the blogging fairy :( and I've been busy and running around the house with lots of yarn wrapped around me xD I'm trying to revamp my shop and change pictures and stuff, but I don't want to forget my bloggie! Anyway, I hope you're all fine and dandy~

Y esto es todo por ahora. Pido disculpas si no me vieron en semanas, la verdad que no andaba con ganas de bloggear :( y estuve ocupada corriendo por toda la casa, enredada en lana xD. Estoy tratando de renovar mi tienda, cambiando imagenes y ese tipo de cosas, pero no quiero olvidarme de mi pequeño blog! En fin, espero que todos esten bien~

Lots of love for everyone!
Have a nice day!

Mucho cariño para todos!
Que tengan un hermoso dia~

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