martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

I ♥ Blogs: My Milk Toof

Hi everyone~
Aw, I didn't wanted to make this section again (at the beggining it was meant to be a weekly section), but as I was surfing the crafty web waiting for my little kid to go to sleep, I found this blog. I already had it on my bookmarks but it got lost because you know, I bookmark a freaking lot xD but now I found it again. Lucky you, because it's the cutest thing EVER, I swear.

Lardee and ickle are two little milk teeth and Inhae Lee shares their adventures with us through this lovely blog.

Every time I look this pictures and read this stories I can't help but feel they're so real, Lee Inhae does an amazing job photographing this two cuties's adventures, you always want more of them!

Now, I can't help but telling you that yesterday was my older son's birthday (he's 9 now, such a big boy ;_;), and though he can't read english yet (because he hates English Class xDD) I want to send him my love through the internetz~~ Love you so much little Nate >3<

I'm leaving before I start to cry xD
Have a super nice day!

2 comentarios:

  1. Awe, que lindo blog! Recien entre para chusmear ;).

    Te mando un abrazo fuerte! Van a ver a Kate Nash en el Gran Rex? ;D.

  2. No se si ya toco xD pero bueno, si todavia no toco no vamos a ir tampoco. Freaking expensive.

    Gracias por pasarte!



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