martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Japan Relief

I'm pretty sure you all know about what's going on in Japan right now, so I won't say much about that.

As you can imagine, Japan is my inspiration in pretty much everything I do. Directly or not, I'm influenced by its essence, culture, history and people in so many ways... all the events happening this last days make me very, very sad.

Yesterday I decided I'll be donating 20% (probably 25% on bigger orders) on every sale I make to Global Giving's Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief . It would be great if you help, even if it's not buying or donating, but promoting and spreading the word. Every little bit helps.

Some other shops in the Super Kawaii Pop Team on Etsy are donating part of their proceeds to this cause, please support them too!

Mayene 50% to Red Cross

Chikipita: 20% to Red Cross

Xangetsu: 20% to Global Giving

Cute Creations: 25% to British Red Cross

And this is the link to a BNR (buy and replace) wich will donate ALL the proceeds to Red Cross:

You can also help donating to the Red Cross

Japan, please, be safe.

1 comentario:

  1. Lo que daría por tener tarjeta y poder donar directamente, siento una impotencia terrible.



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